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Introducing Egregor

Robert George

Near the beginning of the pandemic, a friend of mine attended a liquidation auction at a storage facility. One unit was full of filing cabinets that appeared to have substantial water damage, and which none of the other bidders were interested in. He purchased it for the minimum price, and called me when he discovered their contents. They were the files of a man named Egregor who appears to have been a paranormal investigator operating in the Northeastern US from the early 80s to the mid 90s. His reports contain stunning images and accounts of a variety of supernatural phenomena. My friend, well aware of my lifelong obsession with this area of study, was kind enough to offer the contents of this unit to me. These images have been my primary topic of research ever since.

While attempting to learn more about these files, a peculiar fact has come to the fore - there exists no record of a paranormal investigator named Egregor ever having operated in America. I am also unable to find external documentation for the vast majority of the incidents that Egregor describes. To make matters worse, the deceased owner of the storage facility did not keep records of the individuals who rented their lockers. Egregor, for all intents and purposes, does not exist outside of the extensive research that he left in storage.

I believe that it is my duty to share the impressive examples of the unknown that Egregor’s files examine so well. While many files were damaged by water, a plurality remains completely untouched. In lieu of explicit guidance from this unknown partner of mine, I strive to share his work in full. What follows is the first file to be presented in such a way - a ghost story that is as brief as it is compelling.

Egregor's Spirit Report No. 100386

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