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Hunter's Creek UFO

Robert George

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

In my continued work with the Egregor archive, I've found myself becoming increasingly interested in his entries that have to deal with UFOs. There's something so unsettling about any photograph which shows something that conventional logic states should not exist. When these events are alleged to have occurred near your own home, the unnerving aspect is only amplified.

This image perfectly encapsulates that feeling. It dates back to July 30th, 1962. On that warm summer evening, a Buffalo native named Lilith was out walking her dog in Elma's Hunter's Creek park. Lilith just so happened to be preparing a landscape photograph when she noticed a flying saucer cutting across the sky. She was fortunate enough to capture this image of the disk, but it abruptly changed course after she took the shot and she was unable to observe it for longer than a few seconds.

Egregor's archive contains an extensive document regarding this case, but I am awaiting further confirmation from Lilith's living family members before I am comfortable sharing it here. For the time being, I can share this photo and a simple summary.

Until next time, keep your eye on the sky...

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